Family Law

Překážky rozvodu

Family Law

Nepřekonatelné rozpory mezi manželi mohou vést až k rozvodu. Když se partneři společně dohodnou, vše se vyřeší poměrně rychle a v rámci možností i poklidně. V případě neshod se však rozvodová bitva mnohdy... celý článek

Regulation of parental access to children

Family Law

Both father and mother have an irreplaceable role in every child's life. Even if they do not live together, they have the same rights and responsibilities to the minor. Both should therefore take care of the child in the same extent and cooperate in upbringing of the child. Is it possible for... celý článek

Shared custody

Family Law

What is it? Shared custody is one of several forms post-divorce custody of a child, and based on the assumption that it is desirable for the child to have an equal amount of contact with both parents. According to a Constitutional Court judgement from 2014,... celý článek

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